
Your Oven is an Investment: Care for It Well

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Your Oven is an Investment: Care for It Well

If you love to bake like me, then your oven is the most important kitchen tool you have. Even though many avid home-bakers realize this, I think we tend to neglect our ovens. I have to admit that other than wiping it off, I never properly cleaned my oven like I should have. I learned the hazard of not caring for your oven properly when one of the burning coils caught fire one day and stopped working after that. I was grateful the small fire went out quickly, but I was so worried that my beloved oven was going to have to be replaced. I was ecstatic to find out that local repair shop could fix it quickly just be replacing the coil. I created this blog to remind others to care for their appliances properly. With just an occasional repair, an oven can last for many years.

Top 4 Possible Causes For Your Dishwasher Leak

A leaking dishwasher can be problematic and disruptive to your household. It can cause your kitchen floor to be constantly wet, which may result in slip-and-fall accidents. So, as soon as you notice this issue, ensure that you seek the prompt services of a reputable dishwasher repair expert. Various factors can cause this problem, including an unevenly placed dishwasher, a clogged filter, etc. Here's a more detailed outline of some culprits behind dishwasher leaks:

Your Appliance Injector Seal Is Damaged

Dishwashers have an inlet seal that allows the water in the tub to fill and be used for cleaning dishes. That said, in case you notice water leaking on the side of your dishwasher, as opposed to in front or under it, your machine injector seal is likely damaged. Keep in mind that this seal looks like a rubber ring, and when it becomes damaged, the injector will leak whenever water is pumped into the inlet. 

The Float Switch Doesn't Work Correctly

If your appliance float assembly isn't working as it should, you will likely experience water leaks. The float and its switch work to maintain optimal water levels while the machine is rinsing or washing the dishes. So, whenever the float switch malfunctions, your dishwasher will continue filling to the point where your machine starts to leak. 

There's an Issue With Your Appliance's Door Seal

In the event that you notice water pooling under the dishwasher door, chances are that the leaks could be coming from the door itself. As such, you should begin by checking whether the door latch is loose or bent. If this is the root of the problem, it may require tightening with a screwdriver. Yet, if this doesn't solve the problem, the door seal might be worn out or damaged. 

Your Machine Isn't Balanced

If you've recently changed the position of your dishwasher, it might have fallen out of alignment. It is important to ensure that it is level because if you don't, it will collect water that will eventually leak onto the floor. A possible corrective measure is to use a wrench to adjust the corners of the dishwasher. However, for some dishwasher models, the professional may have to remove the kick plate before adjusting the screws.

Water leaking from your dishwasher can create a mess in your kitchen. So, as soon as this problem arises, engage professional appliance repair services.

Reach out to an appliance repair technician for more information.